Journal Articles

My published academic works are listed below (pre-prints can be found here)

Sensory learning is altered but not improved by cognitive enhancement drugs
J Psychopharmacology

Using your foot as a hand causes organised ‘hand-like’ maps of the toes in the brain
Cell Reports

Sensory deprivation using anaesthetic boosts touch perception and sensory learning
J of Experimental Psyc – General

Amputees show preserved maps of their missing hand in the brain, but people born without hands have no identifiable hand map

Handedness (left/ right preference) changes the way we integrate multisensory stimuli about our bodies
Experimental Brain Research

You can train people to improve their touch perception, and this process works differently if you use complex naturalistic touch stimuli vs. simple stimulation
IEEE Proceedings

The way we use our body in daily life affects the way we integrate multisensory stimuli in the space around us
J of Experimental Psych – Human Perception & Performance

Training one finger to improve in touch perception boosts perception of the trained finger – but also its neighbours and the same finger of the other hand because of how they are linked in the brain
J Psycophysiol

Perceptual illusions about how we perceive our body can be used to provide clues about different underlying processes supporting body representation
Consciousness & Cognition

Doctoral thesis

Modulation of somatosensory perception and multisensory integration as a function of habitual patterns of action